Hi Friends:),

I hope we all had a beautiful month. As March comes to an end, I really want to express my gratitude to God for His faithfulness since 2023 started. To be honest, I asked God for the grace to be more consistent this year with writing despite fears and just life in general and so far, I’ve seen His great Help. Glory be to God!

Tell me in the comments what you’re grateful for in 2023:)


Today, I would like to talk to us about something that has been on my heart for a while and in recent times, more strongly. There is a watered down version of Christianity that we must address that is being presented to us and the world especially in the online space.

Recently, I read 1 Corinthians 6:18-20 that admonishes us to flee sexual immorality among other things. Flee is such a strong word and it sparked something in my heart about how I see consecration, purity of body, soul and mind and living a sold out life are losing their value. Especially when we consider what it means to be a true follower of Jesus Christ and not just a spectator.

“You were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies” 1Corinthians6:20(NIV)

There is a convenient gospel that is portrayed that tells you, you can have Jesus and the world at the same time. Where did we learn this? In KJV language, “verily I say unto you”, we cannot serve two masters. To be convinced otherwise is to be greatly deceived dear Friend. May the Lord open our eyes.

Holy Drag?

It is common to see our fave publicly professing Christian figures or influencers etc appearing to have both in equal measure. They have the finest things of life, they seem happy and fulfilled regardless of a double life(which by the way is only an act of God’s mercy/kindness) and so you begin to question if the pain-staking journey you’re on with the Lord is even worth it. I’ve been there friend and I encourage you to shut out the noise and receive these words today as I say “we have not so learned Christ”. THAT IS NOT AND SHOULD NEVER BE THE NORM.

There has been a lot of talk to normalise certain things in recent times. Here are some examples of things we see online that should never be normalised to be as clear as possible.

  1. Being a Jesus boy/girl with a podcast or platform but freely swearing/using curse words/derogatory language.
  2. A lover of Jesus yet thinking that premarital sex or dressing immodestly/following worldly trends are okay(1Cor.6:12).
  3. A professing believer yet running a page/blog/account that constantly gossips about people or tears them down.

I listed few among many things plastered across our screens and if not spoken about, this influence may begin to send a signal to our minds that we no longer need to pursue spiritual maturity as fervently as we should. May the Lord help us guard our hearts with all diligence.

Spring Cleaning!

Dear Friend, Jesus doesn’t desire a distracted lover(Please read my post titled Dove’s eyes). His gospel is one that involves a continuous buffeting of the flesh that we might run this race effectively(1Cor.9:27, James4:4). A gospel whereby those who claim to be followers display fruits which prove their consecration through the work of the indwelling Spirit of God. This is True Christianity.

Please spend some time ‘spring-cleaning’ your heart with these few tips: a) Meditate on the Word of God on this matter and let it set you on your feet. b) Meditate on God’s love and see how our liberty in Christ should never translate to lukewarmness or sin. c) Surround yourself with godly, edifying content and company e.g unfollow some pages and follow others who are truly portraying Christ. d) Consciously pray often against hardness/dullness of heart, no-one is above repentance(not just sorrow but a change of action).

In Conclusion…

I write these words to us(you and I) not to stir sadness but rather, a desire to head back to the Light where we may have strayed. Dear Friend, It still pays to serve God as single-mindedly as the Apostles of old did, to live a life that honors Him, a souled-out life i.e. a life where we reckon ourselves to be completely for His glory by His grace and strength.

I pray that we realise daily that if God, the Father sowed Jesus as a seed into the earth, He cannot reap just “Uwakmfon”. He must reap a fruit at harvest time that carries the total essence of the seed that was planted i.e an “Uwakmfon” that is totally conformed to the image of Christ.

Till I write to you again Friend, Keep wearing Jesus like a badge and proclaiming Him boldly to all and sundry. We say NO to any other gospel especially a debased one.

Stay blessed:)

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  1. Lovely Lovely read. We do have a watered version of Christianity in main stream media. We are somewhat in charge of what we consume so I advise all to make their own mainstream media, Christian friendly. Don’t listen to such watered down podcast. Lovely lovely write up

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