Why did I choose to start a blog?

You know those unexpected moments when God speaks, it honestly felt like that. The Holy Spirit put the idea of this blog in my heart so randomly. i quickly dismissed it because i had all these reasons why i was not good enough but in His mercy, He calmed my fears in His Word and stilled all my doubts as quickly as they came. Being afraid would only cause me to stay in my comfort zone and God was calling me to shine brightly for Him. I have always desired that God would enable me live everyday for His glory and i pray that through these writings, someone would be blessed and would desire to embrace the love of Christ still made available:)

Why the name Grace In Truth?

During that same season right before i felt the need to start this blog, God had been talking to me about being balanced especially in these 2 qualities i.e Grace and Truth just like Jesus in John1:14-17. I had also watched a sermon on YouTube where the Pastor spoke on this same topic and i felt so convicted to begin a journey to being more balanced. Filled with grace but also with the truth of Gods Word no matter where i found myself. So, when it was time to name the blog, i had no doubt in my mind that this was to be the name.

Friends, Grace In Truth for me is more than a hobby but also a testimony of this journey God has me on. I will be sharing my thoughts on any and everything as inspired by the Holy Spirit. I would like to ask you to please join me on this journey of faith:)

Uwakmfon Udeh.