Today I stepped out of my apartment into the bursting rays of the Sun indicating a new Spring season, as the gloomy days of winter slowly but surely roll away.

As I basked under and welcomed the heat that the past months have deprived me of, I was reminded that indeed all that comes in the life of the Child of God has come to pass. This truth is founded in the Scriptures that there is a time and season for everything and we must believe it if we are to find ourselves on the other side of tribulations.

1 To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: 2 time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted; 3 time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up; 4 time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance (Ecclesiastes 3:1-4)


Dear Friends, In the little time that God has enabled me to walk on this earth, I have faced my fair share of trials like any other person. But in the last few months, my mind became a battlefront for the fiercest of wars that I’ve ever had to endure, not only for me but also for some dear friends and family members. Honestly speaking, we are still fighting and by the grace of God, I know we are Overcomers.

There were some days a few months ago that the only words that rang in my mind were “Curse God and die“. I could not understand this torment, Satan thought to completely cripple me with his voice of deception. He is Master of asking “How long will you continue to serve this God? Look at what you’re going through, yet he hasn’t come through for you, he doesn’t care about your problems. You are alone in this, You will never make it out“. His aim is to make his powerless voice ring louder than the volume of your faith.

The truth is that in these times we can only prevail when our depth in the truth of who God is in His Word and the strength of our convictions exceed the empty noise that He threatens our minds with. So dear Christian what is your conviction? What is your reason?

Job’s Trial..

Many of us may know the story of Job and I’d advise every believer to study this book because trials are a sure part of the framework of every christian’s pilgrimage on this earth. What I would like to pull out is how this trial was essentially to try to show God that man would only serve Him because He is being blessed by God.

The enemy tried to prove that in the absence of comfort, man would in that same instance, discard His Faith. Job’s wife became an instrument to further push Job into making this false theory a reality but Job stood firm by the grace of God.

He saw the Lord as more than a genie to always give ‘good’ things but as a Master Builder who knows that for some materials to be of the best quality and to be suitable for maximum use, they must be passed through the fire. We must also be willing to wait on the Captain of our Salvation no matter how long it takes.

As I Conclude..

We must learn to love His ways even with tears in our eyes and be willing to endure the threshing floor moments because we count what we profess as more valuable than the pleasures of this world. This too shall pass!

I would love to end this piece with a hymn that I learnt in my native language because it perfectly encapsulates the pain of trials and yet the encouragement to hang on to the faith that we profess.

Christian, o do not be weary, especially in difficult times as this, take on the Spirit of God and continue in prayer. There are many powers that try to overwhelm you, they are looking to trap you, do not give them the space to do so, continue in prayer. Take up the entire Armour of war of your Lord , don’t give place to the enemy, stay in Prayer. Listen to what the overcomers and victorious ones are giving as advice, they are all saying Persevere in Prayer.

May God strengthen us all.

Much Love, Mfon xx

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