This is a story of humanity and divinity coming together in a beautiful dance.

At any point that I read 2 Cor. 4:7, my heart is always filled with gratitude and a new wave of humility washes over my being. I marvel at God’s choice to dwell in and bring glory out of His creation despite our enormous frailty . As time went on, I read the writings of a man on this same topic who loved Jesus fiercely till his last breath called Watchman Nee. I’d like to make a short summary of the important points I drew out, I trust it will bless you and give you a fresh perspective on your identity in Christ.

Let’s Talk!

Abba determines to use the foolish things of this world to confound the wise and so it’s no shocker to see Him reach down and choose to make our hearts His home, thereby making us His extension in our world. The lyrics of this song perfectly describe my heart’s posture on this topic:

Father, oh what love you have lavished, on me a mortal to be called yours, to share your image divine. Oh what an honour to be ordained and anointed, to be your man and your scepter, dancing the rhythm of your heart. Forever God, your glory God is all i’ll run after, without you God, there’s no me God, forever i’ll worship you. Let every fiber of my being bring you the worship you deserve, let every story of my life bring you the worship you deserve

Watchman Nee relays Paul’s story in Romans 7 and we can glean a lot from it. In many ways, the christian life is an impossible life, except by the power of the indwelling Christ. In His words, the christian life for Paul was a continual miracle- a paradox in which the divine life planted within by new birth shone forth through the mortal body of one who consciously walked after the spirit.

There is a continuous consciousness that should never leave us when we look into the scriptures and see the gracious power(the life of Jesus) that lays on our insides. By every scale of measurement, none is good but for His purposes, Abba came and made of mortal men, literal wonders through their partnership with His Christ, co-heirs! Glory to God!

Focus Points!

We must learn to take our eyes off the “vessel” and look at God’s ability “the treasure” within. I learnt that one can feel fear yet still be determined, be encompassed by foes and yet not be bound, seem about to be overcome and yet is not destroyed, be weak and yet strong! Death and life springing forth simultaneously…This is the story of the believer!

Another important lesson is that the recognition of our frailty isn’t a condoning of sin/the carnal nature. But as we die to our flesh daily, there must be a steadfast gaze on Jesus for the grace to follow Him, for in and of ourselves, we can do nothing.

Through Watchman Nee’s words, I learnt that many times when we are strongest in the Lord is when we are often most conscious of inability or when we are most courageous, we are also aware of fear within, this paradox is evidence that there is a treasure on our insides and God will have it there for a reason. Does anyone else feel this way? Let me know in the comments!

What is important is the choice/side of the divide we lean into; As our weakness is sensed we don’t have to yield to them but rather to the Lord and in this way no-one but God can get the glory. In other words, God desires the earthen vessel to be controlled by the treasure within.

Be rest assured dear friend, that the earthen vessel doesn’t nullify the treasure but rather it shows forth with such enhanced beauty, for the exceeding greatness of the power is not of ourselves but of God.

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