Hi Friends:)

When I started Grace In Truth, I didn’t know how I would be consistent because I realise that I’m such a thinker but I struggle to pen my thoughts down. It’s been a few months since I stepped into a different season, I’ve felt so many emotions; exhaustion and weariness being top of the list and my first fear was “What will happen to my blog, Can I keep up with Spirit led posts and not just writing anything to fill up space?

To my surprise, amidst all that this season has brought my way, this blog has become such a safe haven for me. I look forward to writing from my heart, to escaping from the noise of life, sitting with Jesus and asking what He would like to say through me.


As the Holy Spirit helped me obey His leading to move to a new land a short while ago, it didn’t take long before I felt the lukewarmness in the spiritual atmosphere here and honestly speaking, fear set in. In the months following, I cried out to the Lord on one particular day and He encouraged my heart with this scripture:

Yet I have reserved seven thousand in Israel, all whose knees have not bowed to Baal, and every mouth that has not kissed him” (1Kings19:18)

My heart found respite in the truth of His Word and I kept holding on, believing that truly He had a plan for bringing me here. I didn’t know that Abba still wanted to give me a pictorial version of these Words and that began my journey to The Upper Room.

He led me to discover a meeting called The Upper Room that was to occur and I just knew I had to be there. A few weeks ago when I stepped into that hall, I had one expectation alone which was something I heard from Steffany Gretzinger, that Abba would call me to Himself completely and utterly.

Many times we focus so much on what God can make of us, e.g. ministry and what He can do through us…but let us consider what He said to His disciples “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men“. He said Follow me, that is, love me, choose me, walk with me and I will ensure that you become!

For some time I had lost what that meant: Loving Jesus just because, not because of an agenda or because of a great prophecy about your life you received. What is easy to overlook is that the center of such pursuit is not Jesus although it can appear to be so, it’s SELF. I pray that God will help us die to self daily that the life of God within may shine forth.

Eternal Purposes of God

Every session of this event spoke to my heart in a special way. There was a call to return to God in intimacy and complete devotion. I was encouraged to ask the Lord to give me the heart of a seeker! One who won’t stop running after Him till I see Him revealed!

Knowing God’s purposes starts with understanding His will for your life, for your assignment, for your nation. This is the only way we can truly be His witnesses wherever we go. To go on this journey with Abba will require such consecration and sacrifice, at times you may want to scream and say Lord you’re asking for too much. But one thing about God is that He won’t stop till He sees one image and one image alone: Jesus Christ.

We have confused power/demonstrations of the Holy Spirit with true intimacy, we have stayed in the flesh for too long. The bride of Christ is no more living as if she is preparing for her groom any day now. Dear Friend, I hope you can join me in this one cry “I want His presence more than anything else”.

God wants us to become not just to be sent

So the question we must all ask ourselves is How much do i look like HIM? Our Abba is coming back for a bride without spots or wrinkles, a bride whose eyes are solely for her King. These are only but a few points that blessed me in UR23.


I’ll like to conclude by going back to the beginning of my post. God gave me a pictorial evidence of the fact that He still had men who loved Him in this nation and that I need to strengthen my heart because He had a plan for bringing me and all this people from different parts of the world here. He also has a plan for sending you wherever He has placed you.

I saw young men and women praying, weeping that UK, USA, Nigeria, Germany, Ghana, Ireland, Netherlands etc must be saved. God told me look around you, You are not alone in this fight. In this meeting, a few people who were citizens of this nation and intercessors were invited who literally told us that we were answers to their prayers over many years that God would remember their nation, we were sent here for a purpose and we should not give up despite all the difficulties we face.

God knew I needed this meeting and I keep asking the Lord to help me put all these words to practice that indeed the eternal purposes of God would be seen in me and in my world at large. Dear Friends, please remember:

Great meetings don’t make great men, Great decisions after great meetings make great men.

Stay blessed xx

Please leave your lovely comments, I’m happy to engage with you all in the comments or through my email<3

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