But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me (2Cor.12:9 ESV).

Wow what a whirlwind of a month!

In all honesty, this month drained me in every sense of that word but I am so grateful to God for His abundant grace and the many lessons that followed every moment. I hope you can be thankful too, no matter where you are or what you think is going wrong or right. Please be encouraged to ask the Lord for open eyes to see His finger prints eagerly and delicately crafting your story still.

Season Finale!

As I draw the curtains on a particular season of my life, I can’t help but dwell on something that the Holy Spirit started teaching me late last year about weaknesses and my dependency on Him.

You see, I was not raised to view weakness as anything good. I had this outlook of “I must always be ten steps ahead, know it all, be able to do it all easily, strength and no fear or weakness“. So, one can imagine my shocker when I began to understand by the scriptures that this mindset will only bring more burdens(e.g of self-sufficiency) and cause me to be filled with pride and excessive shame at my “failures”.

I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and difficulties for Christ’s sake. For when I am weak, then I am strong (2Cor.12:10 GNT).

The word “content” here is the word “eudokeō” which means well pleased and is the same word that God uses to describe Jesus in Matthew 3:17. Imagine how well pleased the Father was with Jesus and compare it with how we tackle our “weaknesses”. I’m sure like myself, many of us will see a huge difference.

It’s About Perspective..

This brings a whole, new approach to weaknesses as we begin to view them as things to fully embrace and commit to God knowing that what the world may scoff at or what you view as failures is exactly what Abba desires to use for His glory. If only, we will surrender it and depend on Him instead.

Dear Friend, self-sufficiency is a burden I can no longer bear. I am learning to acknowledge that I am foolish and weak in certain areas, that I do not know what or how to do certain things or how I can even fulfill His will for my life if He does not help me. Look at Jeremiah 10:23 —>

I know, O Lord, that the way of man is not in himself, that it is not in man who walks to direct his steps.

This scripture brings me so much freedom and reminds me of my need for someone greater, in the person of Jesus Christ. There is grace through Him to overcome all things, what a Joy!!!

In Conclusion..

I found myself late last year still struggling with something and as I did my favourite thing to do (i.e washing plates in the kitchen- WHO ELSE LOVES THIS??), I began to talk with the Lord. I told Him I wanted to master this thing, I’m tired of feeling incapable, trying and always feeling like I just would never measure up. When will I ever not feel so weak??

Immediately, He responded with this “Don’t you see? This is exactly where I need you to be. It is right here, in the cracks and imperfections and not so great days that my glory shines alone and even, the brightest. You were never meant to feel capable on your own, you are to lean and depend on me for the strength and grace and not desire to do it all in your own power“.

Dear Friends, we must learn every day to look away from ourselves and unto Jesus. He will help us in his own way and in his own time as we continue to find our sufficiency in Him alone. We can praise Him right now for choosing to display His majesty in our frailties. We can be content and of good cheer because Jesus has overcome the world. All glory and thanks be to God!!

I will not be afraid but rather content for when I am weak, He is made strong.

P.S. I can’t wait to hear back from you all in the comments, I pray and trust that you were blessed by Abba’s words. Also, can anyone guess why the picture depicts sheep and a shepherd??

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