The day is 15th June, 2022.

I still remember the long car ride to the airport with tears stinging my eyes. Abba was calling me to leave my “well thought out” plans and follow His leading to a place that He had shown me. May I add “Alone!”

A few months prior, I had knelt by my bed-side weeping and praying, lol I thought my tears could convince God to let me choose my own way. I told Him I could not face this journey alone and everyone I thought would go at the same time had backed out.

Okay, can I go later, maybe in 1 or 2 years? Gently, He said “No, You will go now, I want to teach you dependence on me alone”.

I enrolled in His Obedience university with no end date and with one course alone “Dependence on God”. A year later and I can say for sure, there has not been a day that class has not been in session. Some days I fail at it, some days I think I am excelling at it but one thing is sure, God will always keep His Word. Always!

19.06.2022 (Abba had already given me a reason to smile<3)

As I reminisced on all God had done for me in just one year, I was filled with gratitude and to be honest, I looked to the future with hope. I may cry, it could be challenging but if I can just always reflect and see how He has backed me like He said He would. I know I’ll be okay and you will be too. God will never fail. Never!

The “HIM” In My Title…

In my moment of reflection, the Holy Spirit reminded me of a blind man I met on my flight back to University from Nigeria in 2018. I learnt a valuable lesson from our encounter and I believe it will bless someone.

A few hours into our flight, He turned to me and started making conversation. Although, I do not like talking with strangers on the plane lol, I obliged because His story picked my interest. He was a well to do man in the country I now live in by God’s leading(I must add at this point, I had started sensing that I may end up here).

He suddenly started losing his sight. Therefore, his family believed it was some sort of spiritual attack and advised He visit some notable pastors back home. Unfortunately, he couldn’t meet with them for disappointing reasons and was heading back.

I listened with rapt attention and felt pity for this man. I could sense he was losing hope but in that moment, an ignorant baby christian myself I didn’t think that my prayers could change anything, So I only wished Him well. Then He said, “You’re in medical school right? I know quite a few people that could give you good advice, maybe get you a job etc”. My joy knew no bounds as he asked for my details and in my head, God had sent me a helper.

It was later that the Holy Spirit made me realise the state of my heart in that I did not see this man as a person in dire need of a revelation of who Jesus truly was especially after his experiences with the pastors back home. I only viewed Him as a means to get my own desires. Here is the catch: These were things God was already going to do for me irrespective of this man’s help(Isaiah49:14-16).

This is the lesson

Some of us are in seasons of our lives right now, expectant, looking out for a miracle/a sign, holding on to hope etc. That is good but in such seasons as well, The Holy Spirit wants us to look beyond our current circumstances to our surroundings and see how we can be blessings to someone else in the NOW, RIGHT WHERE WE ARE. God can use you even now, do not think you have nothing to offer. God will fulfill his end of the bargain but will you let him use where you’re at or what you have to show His glory/love to the world??

If I was settled in this truth back then, I could have told him about Jesus through the lens of the cross and not through the disappointment of men. If you’re wondering how the story ends: He never contacted me and for the life of me, I can not remember this man’s name. I searched and searched with the few details I could remember but couldn’t seem to find him anywhere.

17.06.2023 (A girl backed by God <3)

Oh Dear Friend, I pray that you will look at everyday you are gifted, no matter what your life looks like and see an opportunity to be Christ’s envoy to your world. Today, God orchestrated my path to this same country, what if I focused on what I could do for that man and not the other way round? Now I know it wasn’t about “if i pray what if his eyes don’t pop open?“. That’s not the miracle I should have focused on but rather restoring his waning hope in a good and loving God.

I still think about Him. I still pray for Him as often as I remember Him. Now I know better, I will do better. I pray this encourages you in whatever season you’re in because Jesus desires your Yes even now.

Shout out to Abba, who is the most patient and loving teacher I have ever known. Danke sehr!

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