Let’s go on a journey into the past, this exact time of year approximately 8 years ago. I remember that day so clearly like it was yesterday, truly it seemed like a normal day for me to unconsciously continue in my lukewarmness. I have mentioned before how I was a ‘good’ person, a faithful church and Bible study attendee without a personal revelation of/relationship with Jesus. Little did I know that my life was about to change forever…

For me, it was just a day to attend the love feast organised by my church and chill with other believers but that day had been written in the volume of the book concerning me because for Abba, It was time to step into who He had called me to be.

Under the “My Journey” section of this blog, you can read more about this fateful day but one question to me out of the scriptures from our church president set my entire life off its course. In that moment, I realised that I wanted more, desired more even and that I was done with a superficial journey. More than theoretical head knowledge, I wanted to experience Him like Apostle Paul said in Phil.3:10-12:

10 I want to know Christ—yes, to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, 11 and so, somehow, attaining to the resurrection from the dead.12 Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me.

Lessons Learnt!

Thank God that age in the kingdom of God isn’t what we define age as in the normal world. I can imagine an 8 year old giving life lessons lol, I doubt many of us would take him/her serious. But, I can say that these past 8 years of giving God my hand to be led into an experiential walk with Him have been the most thrilling, humbling and to be honest toughest years of my life. So, I’d like to share 8 nuggets I’ve picked up in 8 years:

  1. It’s a journey not a destination. Ralph Waldo Emerson described life in this way and I believe it also perfectly describes the christian’s experience. Sinach sang these lyrics ‘The more i know you, the more I want to know you’ and I have no other words than to say that this life is endless. When you think you have attained some level, there is yet more in Jesus, yet more light, more revelation, more death to self and in the same vein, more revelation of life eternal. Keep on!
  2. Lonely! I am so lonely! If you completed the song, you are on your own oh, we are talking of spiritual matters here lol. Quickly, I realised that the christian journey could feel lonely sometimes but it is not to be mistaken with being alone for God is always with us. It almost feels like as you lose appetite for your previous life and these feelings creep in, you are able to press in to Jesus as your only source of strength. This brings me to the next point.
  3. Community is key. I have been blessed with men on this journey, people who love God and are also pursuing Him passionately. This is important because as the Bible says ‘Iron sharpens Iron’. Finding a bible teaching, gospel revealing local church to be rooted in cannot be overemphasized. You need men! As it is commonly said, ‘If you want to go fast, go alone; If you want to go far, go together!’
  4. Ask Questions! I believe that a lot of people, especially Nigerians grew up with the notion that it was wrong to question God. Yes, God’s authority can never be questioned but I think the pushed narrative bred more harm than good. You can inquire of the Holy Spirit in humility when you lack understanding on a matter. In your pursuit of Him, vulnerability will always be rewarded with His answers eventually.
  5. Cling to Joy! As I mentioned earlier, these past 8 years have been some of the toughest years of my life as well. Mostly because, I had to face ME. This means that I saw my sin and the pull of the life that doesn’t glorify God or wants to keep him in the background and had to work out my salvation daily. I got unhappy when it seemed like I kept failing but this scripture gave me life in those seasons: With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation(Isaiah12:3). I’m learning to hold on to joy and the hope that it is all worth it!
  6. Consistency and discipline. I won’t flog this point too much because it is literally part of life. In different aspects, there will never be progress, growth or results without these 2 working hand in hand. Same with your walk with God and spiritual disciplines i.e sticking with it even when your feelings lag behind. I heard this a while ago and it stuck with me, ‘Your spiritual devotions mostly starts with discipline before it becomes a delight.’
  7. God’s Love Language is Obedience! Make no mistake friends, I am still in the classroom of obedience and forever will be. Jesus said ‘If you love me you will obey my commandments (John14:15). In these 8 years, I have found the peace in obedience, in saying if it doesn’t please Him, I want no part in it. It is my prayer that for the rest of my days on this earth, I walk in more grace to stand perfect and complete in all of His will for my life.
  8. Consecration. Recently, I have been learning so much about the joys and burdens of being a set apart vessel unto the Lord. The Bible tells us that we have this treasure(God) in earthen vessels(us). My life’s purpose is to show forth the glory of God and I’ve learnt that there will be a lot of things i must desist from in order to truly walk circumspectly. The Holy Spirit said to me, “Mfon, consecration is protection not limitation/bondage” and that changed my entire perspective on this.

As I conclude this long but a tad bit emotional post for me, I just want to say that though I wrote in the past tense, I’m still very much a student of these points listed. I am learning and by His grace, coming to the knowledge of the truth daily and I’m so grateful that God chose to do a great work in me and I’m not where I was 8 years ago in every aspect of my life.

I hope you enjoy reading about my journey so far and please leave any comments of encouragement or even lessons you have learnt so far in your journey with the Lord too. I would love to learn more from you all:)

Like the married folks always say: 8 years down, Eternity to go!! ∞∞

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  1. Loved reading this! Every point resonated with me truly!
    Especially your 5th point where you wrote, “I had to face ME. This means I saw my sin and the pull of a life that doesn’t glorify God…”
    Like Gal 5.16 will say, “Walk after the Spirit and you will not fulfill the list of the flesh”.
    So it’s a journey of everyday consecration while empowered by His grace to keep us from falling (Jude verse 24) and if we do, the gutsy guilt to stand up, dust ourselves off in His mercy and know we can do better through the Holy Spirit who works good in us (Hebrews 4:15-16)
    It’s a journey and a sweet sweet one with Jesus! ❤️

    1. Thank you so much dear Aize for reading and leaving such a beautiful comment. Truly God is working in us to will and to do according to His good pleasure. I pray that we learn to trust, yield to Him and enjoy the ride❤! God bless you:)

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