All the bad, bad, bad things I used to do, I do them no more. All the bad, bad, bad places I used to go, I go there no more. There’s been a great change since I met God, There’s been a great change since I met God!!

I can literally picture your face right now thinking LOL what is Mfon writing now??

Well, I thought it best to start today’s post with a song my church leader always sings and growing up, it was just a cool song to laugh and sing along to but the more I walk with Jesus daily, I have come to realise that indeed, there has been a great change since I met God, a change that if we meditate on more often, I guarantee would lead to an outburst of praise to God.

The Miracle of Changed Desires…

It was an ordinary Sunday morning in 2014, I remember sitting during the church service as i always did while in university listening to the sermon. At this point, I must add that I was only a faithful “church goer” without a revelation of what it meant to have a personal relationship with Jesus.

During the sermon, our Pastor was talking about the songs we listen to and how we use the gym as an excuse to listen to songs that don’t glorify God because of the beats, He admonished us to search for christian songs with good beats if you really need that pump in the gym LOL.

First thought in my head was “Sigh here we go again, are we not doing too much? It’s just a song now”.

A few years later, I caught myself listening to a sermon while exercising and remembered the exact moment I had the previous thought and began to praise God, I couldn’t help it. Oh see how he has changed me. Indeed, I am a new creature, for God to take anyone to a place where pleasing the flesh loses it’s appeal is something to shout about Dear Believer!!!! Glory be to God!!

Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new(2Cor.5:17KJV)”

Today I’m writing these words to you with a single purpose to get you to begin to thank God, as you read these words, I pray thanksgiving is stirred up on your insides and you begin to say

“I’m not where I want to be but Jesus, I thank you that i’m not where I used to be, I thank you that I miss nothing in my old life, I thank you for the grace to consistently choose life in the Spirit. Thank you for opening my eyes to the gravity of sin and a life separated from your presence, for the grace to sincerely repent even when I fall short and how you do not count my sins against me, Thank you Jesus. A million hallelujahs will never be enough.”

A Picture from the first sermon I ever preached titled “Go Beyond”

Agalliao, Agalliao!!!!

Till Christ is fully formed in you, Saint rejoice along the journey(Gal.4:19). As you grow into the stature of the fullness of Christ, Dear saint I say Rejoice!!(Ephesians 4:13). For the path of the just is like a shining light, that shines ever brighter unto the perfect day, Again Dear Saint, I say Rejoice!!(Proverbs 4:18).

Please if you are reading these Holy Spirit inspired Words and do not know Jesus as your Saviour, I want to invite you to choose Him today. I promise you that IN Christ is all you need for this life…It’s all in Him.

If you have read these words and are at that place where you are ready to leave your old life behind, if you believe in your heart that Jesus died for your sins and He was raised to life again for you to receive the power to become a child of God, you are saved and I welcome you to the family of Christ, dear Saint. Please send me a message on any of my socials, you can find them in the “About me” section of this blog.

Please leave a comment and share how this piece blessed you and till I write to you again, Keep Rejoicing!!<3

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