Give me dove’s eyes

Give me undistracted devotion for only You

It’s all about You

These lines are lyrics from a song by Tasha Cobbs, that i hold so dear to my heart. I would never forget the day sleep eluded me and i couldn’t stop thinking about Jesus, how my heart was bursting with love for Him not just because of how much He had done in me as a person but the beauty of His love and person has truly captivated my soul and i took my phone out and penned these words:

“Jesus has truly captured my heart in a way no-one else has or ever will, I can’t imagine my life without a relationship with Him and yes, I know I don’t fully understand everything yet, I know that but i’m willing to wait, to stay, to keep seeking and looking unto Him till i’m fully transfixed. I know it may not make sense to some but i guess it was never meant to make sense that this majestic God would come in the form of a man and say Yes You Uwakmfon, You’re the one I love”

A Singular Gaze…


In a world with so many voices and pleasures, oh I pray we would set our eyes on Jesus and count Him more than worthy of our deepest affection and attention, more so, that our eyes like doves would be solely fixated on Him, the lover of our souls, our King.

In Matthew 6:21-24, Jesus addresses the state of our hearts saying Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. He talks about having a singular vision which results in illumination but that to focus on anything else is to be filled with darkness. To value anything else greater or even in comparison is to try to serve 2 masters, He describes the other master as mammon which i have recently learned is a value system.

So, the question remains what are we valuing more? What are we allowing in our lives to be in a constant tug of war for our affections? Ambition? Career? Romantic Love? Riches? Acceptance? Fame? Family? May we search our hearts even as we read and when we find the answer to this question, I pray it bring us to a place of repentance.

Just Like A Dove…

According to Dr. Kluane Spake, a theologian, “when a dove fixes its gaze upon its mate, it’s not distracted by any activities around it. So, it’s often called a love bird”

As i read, i found that doves usually have one mate and when you see a mated pair of doves, you immediately notice the perfect synchronicity between them. What one does, the other follows suit. Eyes focused totally on the other and so its beautiful that the bible in Songs of Solomon 1:15 describes the eyes of Yeshua’s lover as those of a dove.

The purpose of my writing today dear friend, is to ask us to honestly re-assess our values, our heart, who or what is the object of our greatest affection? To take our eyes off Jesus and set it on anything else in this world is to build a house on the shakiest foundation ever and would be such a great disadvantage to us. Truly, nothing else matters nor will matter when we see Him face to face.


Abba Father, I pray for any soul reading these words today that you would help us search our hearts and re-align ourselves with you where need be, please give us a fixed and certain gaze in a world filled with so many distractions, a faithful and unrelenting love for You in a fickle world such as this. May we seek till we find, may we knock until the door is opened and we are ushered into deeper realms of your love and glory in Jesus name Amen.

For everybody in this world, there is someone, I have made my choice and banked on Jesus. I pray you will do same dear Friend, I will write to you again soon<3

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  1. Amazing! Understanding the dove and seeing the depth of what is described in Songs of Solomon 1:15 brings a lot to perspective. Thanks Sis, keep letting God write to us through you.♥️

      1. Thank you🙏 for this beautiful writeup. It’s a timeless reminder to keep our gaze fixed on the One who first loved us❤.

    1. You write so beautifully, hoping to read your book one day.

      Your write- ups are the graceful lettering of the truth revealed to you by the HolySpirit through Christ our Lord.

  2. Reading this gave me a renewed sense of peace. Just knowing that God has always been enough. God bless you Mfon for this beautiful write up.

    1. My dear Queen, I thank God for His peace that surrounded you as you read these words, truly that is my desire that ABBA would reveal to each of us how deep His love runs towards us all. Thank you for reading, He is indeed more than enough for us, for you❤

  3. Reading this gave me a renewed sense of peace. A reminder that God has always been enough for us. Even using enough feels painfully inadequate. God bless you for this write up Mfon.

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