Dear Friends,

Vulnerability Check

I know it has been tooooo long since I put out a post (covers face in shame!!) but honestly, I have not felt like writing anything. It has always been my desire to put out posts as led by the Holy Spirit and not just what feels good to talk about. Even though I’ve been learning so much lately, I realize it can be a struggle to communicate these things and that just makes me cower.

Among the things I have been learning is how much of service a believer has to offer entirely by virtue of the greatest service that has been done to him or her through the gift of SALVATION! And so, I would do my God and you all out there a huge disservice, if I do not serve you with these words that God placed in my heart as i laid in bed some days ago.

How Do You Define Love?

On the streets of Instagram, I came across a video of a girl coming out to her Nigerian father about her sexual orientation. At the beginning of the video, you could tell she was ready to be defensive and protect her heart if things went south. The conversation went something like this:

  • Girl: Daddy, I want to tell you that i have a girlfriend.
  • Dad: Is she your lover?
  • Girl: Yes daddy…..(Long pause)
  • Dad: As far as you’re healthy and happy, I am happy.

You were not expecting that right?? As a Nigerian, I certainly was not expecting the turn of events, fire and brimstone should have rained on that call. Especially the fact that, your village people have finally succeeded(if you don’t gerrit, forget about it lol! jkjk)

Her father’s response melted her heart, broke down all her defenses and brought her to tears. It’s a beautiful thing to feel loved and accepted, regardless of who you are or what you’ve done.

My question to you is: Is this your definition of love? Acceptance of oneself with your flaws and all?

Please read till the end:)

My Thoughts….

Later that day, when I thought of the love of a father, this was the video that popped into my mind and it really made me smile. But almost immediately, the Holy spirit began to nudge my heart about what God’s love truly looks like and how it changes us.

I had to learn again and be reminded of Abba’s love and the fact that, not only is it wholesome and entirely accepting of wherever you are in your journey of life(Romans5:8), it is completely TRANSFORMATIONAL.

What do I mean by transformational?

His love not only accepts us in our shame, guilt and helplessness, in that we were yet sinners when he died for us but now, because of that love, we can be and are called to BETTER, to be like Him, to be Holy just as our Father in heaven is, to be set apart.

When we choose to gaze upon the beauty of the cross and salvation, we can never stay the same. As our knowledge of God’s word increases and our relationship with the Holy Spirit continues to deepen, our perspective changes and we see that salvation is only the beginning of life for a believer.

There is a calling now to walk in the Spirit, to show forth evidence of the working of the Spirit within you(Galatians5:16-25).


As much as we can be emotional about God’s love for us in our mess, it must not end there, I pray we come to an understanding that the demonstration of Christ’s love to us was to reconcile us to Abba, remind us of our identity in Him and set us on a path to fulfilling the plans that God has for each of us.


Abba, The E-Book written by my dear sister and author, Dr. Abasiomokop Etuk(kopsy_md on IG) will be out on the 9th of November. I am so passionate about this project and I know it will bless you immensely. Please follow her for more details to support.

See you next time:)

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    1. Thank you so much Neffs❤! Indeed Jesus accepts us as we are and the beauty is that in His love, there is an invitation to begin to see ourselves as He sees us and that completely transforms us and our actions. I’m glad you enjoyed it🤗

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