Dear Friends,

Nowadays, the world seems so scary and filled with “not so great” news on every corner, so recently when the Holy Spirit laid in my heart these short yet powerful words “Redeem The Time”, I knew I just had to share this.

The famous theologian; Jonathan Edwards in his sermon on the “Preciousness of Time” given in the middle of the 17th century stated 4 reasons why time is so valuable. You can find this sermon on YouTube, I honestly felt dragged but we will be alright lol :). The point I would like to bring out in this post was this Time is precious because when it is past, It cannot be recovered”.

I believe that the mere fact that we must live in this world already subjects us to many distractions and being easily blindsided. Everyday, we must think and somehow plan for our earthly lives and to be honest, sometimes it’s hard to fit in the fact that we are here for a much greater purpose(Ephesians2:10). But…

A perfect example is Jesus Christ. I love the fact that through the scriptures, we see how Jesus always made use of every opportunity(big or small) to do the will of His Father. He was a blessing to all that He came across despite carrying the burden of all that He was to accomplish for mankind.

Watch Your Step…

So be very careful how you live, not being like those with no understanding, but live honorably with true wisdom, for we are living in evil times. Take full advantage of every day as you spend your life for his purposes. And don’t live foolishly for then you will have discernment to fully understand God’s will(Ephesians5:15-17).

The Holy Spirit is saying to us: NOW is the time to buy up every opportunity to declare the gospel, to be Christ-like, to share His message of love and redemption to a dying world, to live above sin and temptation etc. Friends, I pray we can all ask ourselves, What can i do now with what God has given me and where He has placed me??(2Cor.5:10).

Verse 17 of Ephesians 5 says “….firmly grasping what the will of God is….”. In the New Living Translation, it says “but understand what the Lord wants you to do”. That understanding is what propels and gives us strength and direction to keep doing God’s work in the midst of persecution, strife and even….DEATH(2Cor.4:10-18).

So, as much as we are filled with and empowered by His grace, we should get involved e.g. in our local churches, with our time, finances and spiritual gifts etc. We do not redeem the time by fixating only on worldly goals, a total realignment of our priorities with those of scripture is crucial.

Prayer Points…

  • Lord Jesus, if there is anything that you have called me to do or shown me previously to begin that I have let go of, I repent and ask that you please show me afresh and give me zeal and boldness.
  • Abba, humbly I ask that you make a name for yourself through my life, that as many that would come across me would not leave without an understanding of something greater available for them in Christ Jesus-Eternal Life.
  • I ask that you help me be a good student of the Word and an ever humble listener to your Spirit, that I would be so set in my convictions concerning the gospel and be ready to share the Good News with everyone.

He said to his disciples: The harvest is great but the workers are few


Don’t be left out, It’s time to get into the field:)

Dr. Uwakmfon Udeh.

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