One thing I love about having a blog is the vulnerability check it gives me. I will not come here and put on a façade, so let me just say it now lol maybe this post is for me but I believe that people out there will relate and pick themselves up and keep going.

Testimony Time, Blessing Time!!

So friends, I finished medical school almost 3 weeks ago. I cannot describe the feeling that runs through me when I think about the fact that a journey I began in 2013 has finally come to an end. More on this later guys haha, back to the main gist.

Spiritual Laziness

When I finished, it felt like I also fell into some kind of deep spiritual tiredness or maybe I should say laziness. I was too tired to pray, read my bible, talk to anyone about Jesus, worship, anything! In plain terms I lost my drive and fire to pursue any goals completely, spiritual or otherwise.

In that moment, I was tempted to take the backseat on this spiritual journey. Like God, maybe I’m just meant to be that girl with her “private” walk and struggles with you. How can I disciple anyone, pray with anyone, serve the body of Christ in any way if I can’t even maintain a stable “on-fire” relationship with you?

Recently, I lay at night unable to sleep and decided to watch a TD Jakes rebroadcast titled “Anointed for the altercation” and God really knew I needed to watch this. As I watched with tears in my eyes and soaked in the power that flowed from my screen as He spoke about being anointed for spiritual battles, not giving up on yourself and as he ministered to people…The words that came into my heart were “This was what I was created for”.

Wake Up Call

In that moment, it did not matter what had been going on these past few weeks, all that mattered was that Jesus is worth every drop of my sweat and blood it takes to never give up on the pursuit of Him and the desire to do His will.
Jesus was showing me through this message, Uwakmfon I will finish what I started in you (Phillipians1:6), I have anointed you for this battle and your part is just to keep showing up. To anyone reading, you are anointed for this spiritual battle, We have been given all that we need for this(The Word and His Holy Spirit).

If you needed encouragement, please take this as one to keep looking to Jesus. In this season, I believe the enemy will try to deceive us to just live mediocre christian lives now that it matters the most, when there are souls to be redeemed and lives to be changed for the sake of eternity! Then, we realize we are not growing in our knowledge of our Saviour and in that way, we are kept in bondage because ultimately, we are not growing in the revelation of who we are.

You Matter to God

We were never called to be backbenchers with the things of God, but to shine as Light for all men to see. In our individual ways, God is willing to use us for His glory if we do not give up. Jesus said to the disciples in Mark 16 “Go ye into all the world, preaching this gospel” and today, He is still saying this to us. YOU MATTER. YOUR DEVOTION AND CONSECRATION MATTERS. YES YOU!

Today, let us make a declaration that you and I will not place our relationships with God on the back-burners anymore, we are making it priority. We are giving it all we have got and some more, relying totally on the power that comes from the Holy Spirit (Acts1:8). I pray this stirs someone out there up to seek Gods face again and watch Him honour your consistency with more of Himself- After all, He Is Our Exceedingly Great Reward!

Then(with a deep longing) You will seek me and require me (as a vital necessity) and (you will) find me when you search for me with all your heart[Jeremiah 29:13]

Dr. Uwakmfon Udeh😊(Arrghhh I could scream haha)

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