I believe by now everyone and their grandparents lol has heard the song titled “Jireh” by Maverick city. If you haven’t, please check it out, you’ll be so blessed!!:)

Sincerely, i thank God for the kingdom sounds that are being released in this season because i’m sure everyone can agree how much we need to be constantly reminded of God’s promises and His Word.

Learning To Trust!

Is there anyone out there like me that is in a season of life that feels like anxiety and worry hang like a cloud over your head, threaten to fill your every thought and consume your mind? The things that could bring pleasure or help take your mind off your own inner battles no longer offer that satisfaction but rather, even cause you more stress.

In my usual manner, when i get exhausted especially mentally, i literally despair of life. Lol, i’m not joking oh..I am that person that will lay curled up in fetal position in my bed and say “Jesus please just come and take us home NOW, i’m not doing again”!! Sigh, of course that has never helped.

Just like that song says, “if He watches over every sparrow, how much more does He(Jesus) love you”? It is a call for us all to examine our faith and trust in God or lack thereof. I am enjoying writing this post so much because this is literally how the Holy Spirit spoke to my heart one morning when i felt like i could not bear up anymore under the pressure of life.

Look at the birds. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly father feeds them. And aren’t you FAR more valuable to him than they are? (Matthew6:26 NLT)

For every second that fear and worry wants to cloud your heart, i encourage you dear friends to go to Jesus and lay all your burdens at His feet. As a believer in the finished work of Christ Jesus, it must go beyond head knowledge, to the point where you actually believe that Jesus cares for you deeply and will take care of you no matter what.

Worth Much More!

THAT, my friends is how we live above fear and worry daily. Jesus says You are worth much more. So, don’t give up:). I kept it short and sweet today guys! I can’t wait to write to you again soon and by God’s grace, with awesome testimonies!!

Uwakmfon Udeh<3

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