Hi Friends!! Thank you for stopping by again😊.

Today’s post was inspired by a short video I watched a few days ago and I thought to myself how important and urgent the truth of our message is. Are we willing to sit diligently with scriptures to digest and understand it by the help of the Holy Spirit, so we can debunk in love all the falsehood going around today?

There is always more to experience and know in Christ:)

I titled this post the necessity of our message because daily I have come to realize that not only are the words, we say very important but also the “how” we say them. Many people may dwell in ignorance without Christ because they have not been taught properly or lack understanding about what it truly means to be a follower of Christ.

In the video, a lady spoke of her conversion to another religion from Christianity and her reason. She said she did not have or feel a sense of accountability in Christianity, that we just believe someone (Jesus) came and died for our sins and we are saved. But that in the other religion, she feels she is being rewarded for good works and punished for bad things she did and that makes her feel accountable.

Now friends, in the comments, please tell me what you think of this woman’s opinion. But firstly, what is this message we speak of?

Our Message Defined

The gospel of Jesus Christ: the gospel translated from Greek simply means “good news”. According to an article from bible.org, it is expatiated as the glorious news to mankind of salvation and victory over sin and death that God offers to all people through the person and finished work of Christ on the cross as proven by His resurrection, ascension and session at Gods right hand.

And since it is by God’s grace, it can’t be a matter of their good works; otherwise, it wouldn’t be a gift of grace, but earned by human effort (Romans11:6 TPT).

The proper understanding of the gospel of Christ shows that our faith in the saving power of Christ Jesus then leads to good works (Titus2:11-14). That is the reality of our salvation and not the other way around. If you are not changed or people do not see a change in you, I could ask what is the proof of your salvation? This is our accountability-The inner workings of the Holy Spirit.

But here’s the truth: It’s to your advantage that I go away, for if I don’t go away the Divine Encourager will not be released to you. But after I depart, I will send him to you. And when he comes, he will expose sin and prove that the world is wrong about God’s righteousness and his judgments (John16:7-8 TPT).

My Facebook Post from 2015 on This Topic:)

I have 2 points of view regarding this lady’s reasons: It’s either she was not taught properly like I mentioned before or this may just be a classic case of “pride”, in that as humans we have always tried to attach works to the gospel. I know I have, lol if you read my first blog post, you would know.

A salvation by grace through faith alone was not seemingly enough for even the Christians of old, (Galatians 3, Acts 15) show us this. We tend to think in terms of merit. I think of her reason and I think “faith is not enough”. How can one man just die for us and just like that our sins are forgiven? To desire something else which she described as “accountability” is to like Peter said in Acts 15:10, to put again on our necks a yoke that even our forefathers could not endure.

All He Asks Is That You Believe

To see the need of the gospel is to come to a place of total self-despair. Indeed, it is a form of humiliation that I think as humans we struggle with. But with God, no flesh shall glory in His presence and so God ensured that salvation was never by works but only through the Son.

If we are not willing to come to that point where like Apt. Paul, we say and fully acknowledge that only God saves and then in response to His mercy, we live our lives to honour Him then we are not ready for this journey friends.

Truly being saved would show in your desire to be renewed in your mind daily and to live a life that pleases God, this is our “accountability”. It does not make sense to some, how believing alone can be the prerequisite but that is all our God requires, that you believe that through the death and resurrection of Christ, the testimony of your life is now “Hell Lost Another One, I AM FREE”

For it is Christ’s love that fuels our passion and holds us tightly, because we are convinced that he has given his life for all of us. This means all died with him, so that those who live should no longer live self-absorbed lives but lives that are poured out for him—the one who died for us and now lives again(2Cor.5:14-15 TPT)



I leave you with these words I heard few Sundays ago in church: Do not let your message die with you. I pray it becomes our desire to tell of Christ’s beauty and the message of His gospel like He intended, so that men would come to the light of this same knowledge that we now have in Christ Jesus.

If you would like to be saved and know this Jesus that has changed my life, please say with me: Lord Jesus, Thank you for your sacrifice on the cross for my sins. I believe you died and resurrected that I would be made whole, I repent of my past life and receive you into my heart. Please help me walk according to your ways for the rest of my life in Jesus name Amen.

If you prayed this prayer sincerely, congratulations friend, you are now a child of God. Please send me an email at [email protected], I would love to connect with you:)

Uwakmfon Udeh<3

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